Genre: Comedy
Cast: 17 Players plus extras
11 Female
6 Male
Any number of extras Male or Female
Set: A hospital room with two beds
Approximate Running Time: 30 Minutes
Synopsis: What kind of a world exists where being conjoined twins is the norm and detached individuals is the deviation from that norm? Jane and Janet are about to find out as they check in to a hospital to have themselves put back together in an effort not to be different. But being two separated halves of a person for so long has fostered individual personalities and even with the help of a team of conjoined specialists, all the kings men and all the kings horses might find this task to be a bit more difficult than expected.
Cast: 17 Players plus extras
11 Female
6 Male
Any number of extras Male or Female
Set: A hospital room with two beds
Approximate Running Time: 30 Minutes
Synopsis: What kind of a world exists where being conjoined twins is the norm and detached individuals is the deviation from that norm? Jane and Janet are about to find out as they check in to a hospital to have themselves put back together in an effort not to be different. But being two separated halves of a person for so long has fostered individual personalities and even with the help of a team of conjoined specialists, all the kings men and all the kings horses might find this task to be a bit more difficult than expected.