The One-Line: Several drama students must change their competition pieces when they realize the judges don't like what they've prepared.
Genre: Comedy Cast: 15 total (7-25 actors possible) 8 Female 4 Male 3 Either Setting: A Drama Competition. Two Chairs Running Time: 30-35 minutes Publisher: Heuer Publishing Click Here to order Drama Competition |
Synopsis: Drama competitions can really stink! Particularly when the adjudicators are either under-qualified, last-minute replacement judges whose only experience in theatre is watching drama unfold while driving the school bus, or overeducated ego-maniacs looking for any excuse to lower the boom on first year drama students. Drama Competition follows several competitive performances that fall to pieces when they try to please these finicky judges. Can the actors survive this brutal competition? Will the judges actually get to see a quality scene? In reality, it's up to you.
From the premier by Morgan High School at the Utah State Region 3A Drama Competition.